The Advanced Settings section in TIXAE Voice Suite provides additional options to fine-tune your voice interactions. From enabling web calling to configuring server webhooks, this section allows greater flexibility for advanced use cases.

⚙️ Enable Web Calling

The Web Calling feature allows voice calls directly from the widget.

  1. Go to the Advanced & Settings tab in the Voice Setup dashboard.
  2. Toggle Enable Web Calling to turn this feature ON.

Note: If you’re using a VAPI agent, this setting will be ignored.

🎙 Record Calls

Enable call recording for monitoring and analysis:

  1. Toggle Record Calls to ON.
  2. This will store audio recordings of voice calls.

Warning: Enabling call recording will make the agent NOT HIPAA compliant.

🔄 Router Backchanneling

The Router Backchanneling feature makes the AI provide filler phrases (like “umm,” “ok,” “brb…”) while deciding which response route to take.

  1. Toggle Router Backchanneling to ON to enable this feature.
  2. Use this to create a more human-like voice experience when the AI is “thinking.”

🔗 Server Configuration

You can configure your webhook server to receive live call updates.

Server URL

  • Input the Server URL where webhook POST events will be sent.
  • Example:

Server URL Secret

  • Set a Server URL Secret that will be appended to the request as a Bearer Token.
  • Example:
    Authorization: Bearer YOUR_SECRET_HERE

📝 Summary of Settings

Enable Web CallingAllows web-based voice calls via the widget.OFF
Record CallsEnables call recording (non-HIPAA compliant).OFF
Router BackchannelingAdds filler phrases while the AI processes responses.OFF
Server URLWebhook URL for POST events from voice interactions.-
Server URL SecretSecurity token for authenticating webhook requests.-

🚦 Troubleshooting

  • Web Calls Not Working?

    • Verify that Web Calling is enabled and properly configured.
    • Ensure your server URL is correct and active.
  • Recording Issues?

    • Check your storage and verify the Record Calls toggle is ON.

🔗 Next Steps

  1. Setup Web Calling - Learn how to enable web-based calls in your widget.
  2. Speech Generation - Configure natural-sounding voice responses.

With these advanced settings, you can customize and control voice behavior for enhanced flexibility and user experience. 🚀